• Who am I at Soul Level?
  • What are my Gifts?
  • What is holding me back from achieving my abundance or reaching my highest potential? 
  • Why do the same patterns keep repeating in my life? 
  • Why do I have no energy and motivation? 
  • Why am I so STUCK??

The answer to these questions and more are found in your Akashic Records.

What are Akashic Records, you ask? 

I find the analogy of the World Wide Web useful in helping you gain an idea of what we’re working with here. We know the internet is a giant database of the collective knowledge and experiences of humankind. An infinite, vibrational library with endless capacity for information. It is not a place or object and exists outside of linear time. 

It is here that information and answers are found about why things happen the way they do in your life, what ancient patterns and programs are still active, what vows and contracts still bind you, and so much more.

Here are some examples of information found in an Akashic Records Reading

  • Why you’ve given your power away and to whom.
  • Your Soul’s Divine Gifts which lead to your abundance
  • Identify the core traits of your soul and how it is expressed in daily life
  • Discover genetic and past life patterns and cycles
  • Where you are on your spiritual path
  • If you’re on the right track on your life mission
  • If you have spirit attachments or earthbound souls or other spiritual interference
  • If you are a Starseed and which system
  • Check what limiting vows, contracts, and ancient oaths that are negatively impacting you

And much more

Each reading comes with a diagnostic report of soul damage, blocks and restrictions that negatively impact your enjoyment of life, productivity, and well-being.

Each reading comes with a full clearing of all the blocks and restrictions that were found that will allow you to move forward with renewed purpose and energy.

Who can you order readings for?

  • Anyone in your household that is financially dependent on you, child or adult
  • Spouses, live-in partners and parents (their permission is required for clearing)
  • Babies at least 4 months old
  • The dearly departed within 4 months of transition
  • And of course, YOU

Want to REALLY find out if an Akashic Reading is right you you?

Follow these steps when ordering Akashic Records Readings



  • Select the type of reading you want below and follow the link to payment. Be sure to check your spam mail for confirmation!


  • Readings are delivered via a nice PDF full of information.
  • If you wish your reading to be delivered via phone or Zoom, indicate that on the form. I will contact you by email with a scheduling link to set an appointment, and we will have a very interesting chat! Your verbal reading can take about 1.5 hours.
  • (Due to the volume, time and amount of information provided, please expect up to two weeks following payment to receive your reading. Again check your spam mail for this! If you haven’t heard from me, send an email!)

Full Akashic Records reading.  $175.00 – Receive a comprehensive report of your Soul Profile, averaging 15 pages of info. This reading includes a clearing.

Mini Akashic Records reading. $75 – This is a mini reading delivered in a PDF that includes your Soul Gifts, your Soul’s otherworldly experiences, and a snapshot of your spiritual vibration rate.  The Soul Profile is great reading for children in order to find out what their individual gifts and strengths are and who they are on a Soul level. No clearing is offered at this level.

Spirit Guide Reading. $75 – Get to know who your spirit guides are and how they show up for you! Most people have between 4 and 6 spirit guides. See what messages they have for you. This reading is delivered in a PDF.

Starseed Reading. $50 – Are you a Starseed? With which system do you most resonate? What are the gifts and advantages inherent in this system and how can you use that information to enhance your life? Find out with this reading. This reading is delivered in a PDF.

Life Lesson Reading. $50 – Discover and understand what lessons and virtues your Soul are here to master. This reading is delivered in a PDF.