Check out my article on gratitude published on MysticMag!

Gratitude is Key

“Sometimes, as we navigate our life paths, we find ourselves enmeshed in various cycles of trauma and drama. These are often powerful experiences that demand and command huge amounts of our attention and are frequently the source of considerable stress and its resultant impacts on our well-being and health. How do we mitigate the effects of stress?


Most of us have, at one point or another, indulged in lamenting about our rough lot in life. Abraham-Hicks says, “Gratitude is the fastest way to shift your vibrations.” To shift our vibration from stress to better levels of health is merely a matter of redirecting our focus.

We are aware of the concept of energy flowing to where our attention goes. As creators of our experience, we can understand that the lamenting is taking us in the wrong direction – toward more stress. The key is gratitude. We must recognize and appreciate what we do have, such as the lessons, opportunities, refinement and growth inherent in every challenge we face. We can also appreciate what we have experienced already and the progress we’ve made so far.

It’s easy to feel appreciative when we’re feeling good and things are going well. However, we can choose to be grateful even in the midst of a crisis. Practicing gratitude by focusing our attention on that which supports our well-being, health, and happiness brings more of the same as well as providing a powerful way of coping with and reducing stress.”



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